Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Today's Check-Up

Had a doctors appointment today. Was checked to see if I'm dilating yet, which I'm not (1 to 3 cm dilated is early labor, after 3 cm is active labor...early labor can last hours or weeks). This is fine because the more on time she is, the better (for her dad who still has three papers to finish).

Everything is still looking good, though. The only small concern that has come up is that I tested positive for Group B Strep - common in 30% of pregnant women. All I have to do for that is get antibiotics when I'm in labor and it should be fine.

One more pregnancy side effect to add to the list - my wedding ring didn't fit today. Over the past week or so it has gotten to be a tighter fit, especially when taking it off. And today it just didn't want to go on at all. I wonder how long the swelling will last.

Nothing more to report.


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at the comment about having three papers to finish - that was so my husband too! Enjoy these last few weeks.

Jenny said...

I'm getting so excited for you! I can't wait to hear that the little girl has finally gotten here. Then we all get to know her secret name! About the swelling, there may be one last bout with it after the baby is born - a couple days after I came home, my feet swelled up because of fluids they gave me during labor. Being up and moving around caused it to "settle" and make my feet swell. It wasn't uncomfortable, just weird. Hope things continue to go smoothly and that Dad gets all his work done before the fun begins!