Friday, April 11, 2008

Are There Really Only 3 Weeks Left?

The due date is 3 weeks from today. Who knows if she'll be early or late, but regardless, 4 weeks from now we'll have a baby in the house! That is the craziest thing. Where have these nine months gone? Weren't we just in the bathroom looking at that stick and I was in disbelief that it was a plus sign?

I'm not working anymore, so my days are spent at home. I'm trying to balance between resting and not being lazy. If I don't do enough, I get bored and lonely, but if I do too much then I get tired. I am enjoying sleeping in in the mornings, but maybe I'm getting too much sleep. On the one hand, these last weeks seem insanely short, but on the other, they seem very long - what am I going to do with 21 more days in the house by myself?

My discomfort level has risen slightly. My heartburn has gotten much worse - I had two nights of not good sleep because of it. I'm having more Braxton-Hicks contractions which cause a big chunk of my belly to be really tight and firm. It's also harder to grab for things when I'm sitting down or if something is on the floor. I'm looking forward to getting my mid-section back.

Aside from the minor complaints, generally I'm feeling fine. I think I'm just ready for this to happen and to move forward.

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