Sunday, April 13, 2008

Last One

This is probably the last belly photo I will take, since we are down to the last few/couple weeks. I just compared it to the one taken a month ago in the yellow shirt, and there's not a huge difference. All the comments I get from people are how small I look. I guess so, but it sure feels big.

We had a pretty low key weekend. We watched I Am Legend, went to a car seat check at the police station (car seats are annoying and complicated by the way), and made yummy chocolate cookies. Those are about the highlights. I've basically be trying to keep myself occupied while S tries to get a butt load of work done (I think he has succeeded). For him, there is a LOT left to do in about 2 weeks time. Then he gets to be a dad! Sorry, no break for you.

I will leave you with this:

Two muffins are in the oven.
One says to the other: "It's hot in here!"
The other one says: "Oh my gosh, a talking muffin!!"


Anonymous said...

What a lovely belly. Congratulations to you.

Jenny said...

You look great! Can't wait until the belly goes goodbye and the baby say hi!

Cheryl said...

Thanks! And yeah, me too!