Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Looking Ahead

So, I've been trying not to wish time away. I remember the months before getting married, I would hate that time was passing so slowly. I just wanted the big day to get here already. And of course, it eventually did. Now that another big day is approaching, I'm trying to really enjoy my days of freedom before it gets here. I feel that a baby is way more of a "ball and chain" than my husband will ever be. I don't mean that in a bad way, but an infant is about the most dependent thing there is. So obviously, big changes are ahead.

Having said that, I wish February would just end already!

February's calendar has been a little bare. All I had written down was our baptism class, the Super Bowl, Doctor, Ash Wednesday, and Doctor. Not very exciting. But it has moved along a lot quicker than I thought it would.

March is a different story. There's lots going on in March that I'm looking forward to. We have three baby showers (the third I just found out about tonight - the young adult group we belong to just decided to throw us one), Spring Break (not mine, but it marks about the mid point of the semester for the grad student I'm married to), Holy Week, my Dad's birthday that he is sharing with Easter this year, two classes through the hospital - one on breastfeeding and one on infant CPR, and two doctors appointments (not that they are categorized as "fun").

Once we get through March, I'm going to stop working my part time assistant job (I literally have a countdown on my wall for that one) and then we are down to FOUR weeks prior to the due date. Yikes. I'm taking most of April to relax before the chaos.

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