Tuesday, February 19, 2008

30 Week Checkup

My doctor checkups have gone from every four weeks, now to every two weeks. Eventually I'll go every week. Not much to report on today's visit...I lost a pound, my blood pressure is staying really low and her heartbeat is still going strong. Most of the visits are short and sweet. It probably takes more time to drive to and from the office than it does to be looked at, but at least we aren't paying for any visits and we know all is well (and I get to leave work early - that's enough for me).

We do, in fact, get one more ultrasound at 36 weeks. We'll get to see about how much she weighs, that she's pointed head down and other various things. I didn't realize that they start to head south so early...I wouldn't want to stand on my head for four weeks. And I guess that means the kicking will soon go from my left side to my rib/stomach area. Hmmm. She's a strong kicker, that might not be fun.

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