Thursday, October 07, 2010

Do you hear the quiet?

How come I can only get a 45 minute nap out of him in his crib, but if he falls asleep in the car and is put in his room (still in his car seat) he'll sleep for 2 hours?

I love that the weather is starting to cool down. It's in the 70's and sunny for about the next week. Today I took the kids out to "Books and Blooms" at the UT Botanical Gardens. It's a kids program with storytime, music and crafts. They have it every week from May until October, but we are just now being able to go since Noah is older and it's nicer weather (too hot this summer).

After we got home Erin and I had lunch. Now she's asleep and Noah is still I said he's about to hit 2 hours. It's nice to have a little bit of quiet during the day where I can do stuff on the computer, even if it's just facebook and blogging.

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