Monday, October 04, 2010

4 months

Little guy is 4 months and growing like a weed. He seems to get noticeably bigger every few days and he just looks different in the face about every week. Since Erin now changes so slowly, I forget how quickly infants really do grow.

We took him to his check-up today. Got the go-ahead on starting him on rice cereal. I gave him some this afternoon, and after a few faces of what the heck is this, mom, he started to like it. In about a week maybe we'll do something more interesting like bananas.

Here are the four month highlights:
  • weighs 15 lbs. 6 oz. (60th percentile)
  • 24 inches tall
  • wearing 6 to 9 month clothes (and some 12 month)
  • comfortably fits in size 3 disposable diaper (for 16 to 28 pound babies) and is in the medium cloth diapers
  • 100% on formula and needs the name brand for his sensitive stomach (he's already trying to make mommy & daddy broke)
  • nighttime sleep is usually around 12 hours, waking once or twice to eat
  • smiles all the time
  • LOVES his sister...lights up when she's around
  • is just starting to grab at objects in front of him
  • starting to roll over on his own
  • only cries to tell us he's hungry or tired

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