Monday, June 15, 2009

Hot Pink Leotards and High-Top Reeboks

All my life it's been hard to motivate myself to exercise. A few years ago I bought a stationary bike, which I used for a while but now there's something wrong with it internally, so it's really loud when you use it.

The past year, I've been hiding behind an excuse not to exercise - Erin. The bike is too loud (can't do it while she sleeps, and when she's awake she's grabbing at the foot pedals), and I don't have time to go to a gym (plus it's too expensive).

I can take walks with her, but I want more of a cardio workout. So what is good for that? Good ol' fashion aerobics.

I wanted to find some dirt cheap video tapes, so I found a few at a thrift store for 99 cents each. The one I did today is copyrighted 1987. So it's exercise and entertainment (or torture, depending on how you look at it).

I hope to keep this up. Having to care for a child is just not a good enough excuse.


Karalex said...

I don't even have children and I seem to make every excuse there is! Good luck with the 80's videos :) A good place to look for some cheap updated dvds (but not as cheap as you found them) is Ross if you have any of those around you.

Cheryl said...

We do have Ross here, and I might take a look. I don't know how many times I can look at that woman's hair :)