Friday, April 24, 2009

Greenville Trip Half Over Already

Our trip has been fun and relaxing so far. The drive down went very smoothly. Erin slept for a while and then did very well the rest of the way. We made a few stops and still ended up only taking 4 hours. 

Yesterday and today have been pretty low key during the day. Yesterday Erin and I went out to the mall and today was lunch with Nicole and going to Cleveland Park. It was surprisingly warm today, low 90's. On the way home from the park I made the mistake of letting Erin hold on to her sippy cup that doesn't have a stopper. So when we got home her clothes and part of the car seat were soaked (it was only water). I guess I won't do that again.

Tomorrow Erin will briefly be able to see her daddy, until we head on down to Columbia for a wedding. We'll be back Sunday for our big cookout for Erin's birthday. I hope she's in good mood and is well rested. She easily could pull out the it's my party and I'll cry if I want to card. But I'm sure she'll be fine.

Speaking of fine. As I have mentioned, we are phasing out the bottle (not as quickly as I'd hoped because she still doesn't want to drink milk in a cup - although she takes it just fine in the bottle) and Wednesday was the first time she hasn't gotten a bottle shortly before bed. Since dropping that bottle, she has slept solid until 6:40 and 7:20 the past two mornings. And not a sound until then. That is amazing. I wish I had known that was the secret to getting her to sleep longer, I would have fixed that a while ago. So now I have an extra one to two hours of sleep in the morning :)......(assuming she keeps doing this). 

I suspect the reason for this change is the fact that her diaper doesn't get as heavy by the morning by her not drinking 7oz a half an hour before bed. 

I guess I'll post again on Sunday after the party and put up some photos. In the mean time, check out my friend Katie's blog. You can see little Hannah, born on Wednesday.

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