Monday, October 13, 2008

TN to SC

Everyone was healthy by the weekend. Erin was only sick for a couple days during the week, S had it pretty bad Thursday and Friday, but woke up feeling just about fine on Saturday. So we decided to make our trip to Columbia to hang out at the Reid's party. They are cool cats, how could we resist? Plus Brian and Nicole were going to be there, and it had been 3 months since seeing them.

It turned out to be a very nice trip, the worst of it was the crying during the car rides, and getting her to sleep Saturday night. We stayed overnight at the Zokan's (Nicole's parents), they had not met Erin yet and were very excited to see her - they agree with us that she's the cutest baby ever. We took our time heading back on Sunday and didn't make it home till about 10:30pm. Needless to say, we were all pretty tired.

By the way, Michelle Myer took some excellent photos of Erin at the party (thanks Michelle!!). Here is a link to her flicker page.

1 comment:

St. Elizabeth of Cayce said...

Glad you liked the photos. She's a sweetie, if highly opinionated about who gets to hold her. (smile)

This one was my favorite.