Thursday, October 09, 2008

Buncha Sickos

Germs came into the house by the way of the small one, and now I think we all have it.

A couple days ago, Erin started getting a runny nose and sneezing. I was doomed since she never leaves my side during waking hours and I've been sneezed on I don't know how many times.

We had plans to go out of town this weekend, and I'm not sure if that's going to happen now. It's a shame cause it's Fall Break and a good chance to get away. It's not for sure yet that we're staying home, we both (S and I, Erin is much better) could fight it off quickly.

1 comment:

St. Izzy said...

Just wait until she starts doing things like pre-school. If she does not have a virus when she arrives, one will be issued to her at the door.