Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Today was Erin's first taste of pureed bananas! She seemed to really like it and didn't even get that messy, as you can see.

I'm reading up on introducing solids, and most sources say the same things. There's a lot of information, but basically, any foods given before 6 months are just for fun, not for nutrition.

So we'll just take it slow and get her used to eating mushed up people food.


Anonymous said...

Looks like it was finger-lickin' good!

Cheryl said...

Apparently it was.

After a while, some banana got on her hands (I wonder how...) and so she was sucking on them between spoonfuls.

And ya know what, she fell asleep after eating. In about 10 minutes, she will have been asleep for 2 hours. I don't think she has ever slept for 2 hours during the day...

This might be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Must be the tryptophan. :-)