Monday, June 30, 2008

Baptism Weekend - Part III

Sunday morning we had a big brunch with immediate family + the Reids. We continued to have a leisurely afternoon until about 2:00 when my family headed back to SC.

The Barnettes were heading up to their property just north of us (about an hour and a half away) where they are building their house. We decided to take a trip up there with them since we hadn't seen the house in quite a while (and of course to spend time with them and Alex, who is visiting from Houston). Luckily, during the drive we were only delayed a few minutes for one diaper change.

The weather was beautiful, as well as the sky. Erin got to see her first animal up close - a few horses across the fence - she didn't seem too excited...

The trip home was a little longer since we had to stop to feed her. She also remained fussy after that - probably too tired once again - so I sat in the back seat for the rest of the way so I could work some magic in getting her to fall asleep. We were all exhausted when we got home around 11:30. Erin slept pretty heavy that night. Imagine that.

And that concludes the weekend.


Sean said...

The more I look at these pictures, the gladder and gladder I am that we went up to Telford.

Cheryl said...

Yeah, that trip will be a much better memory than the papers you should have stayed home for to grade. Good choice.