Okay, so at Noah's 2 month checkup, I was told that he had dropped from the 25th percentile down to the 5th. Because of that, we scheduled a weight check (which was today) and I was to supplement with more formula in the meantime.
Because of all the trouble we had with Erin gaining weight in the beginning, only to switch her to formula at 9 months (where she gained like 4 pounds in 6 weeks or something), we decided not to let the same thing happen to Noah. So over this past month we have been transitioning him over to formula. Right now I only nurse him about once or twice a day and I'm not sure how long I'll even be able to keep that up.
So I go in today and he weighs 13 pounds 3 ounces (up a little over 2 pounds from a month ago). I asked the doctor what does that mean for his percentile, and she discovers that the nurse made a mistake on the chart last time. She put his weight on the 3 month mark instead of the 2 month. So really he was at the 25th, not the 5th. And currently (I assume because of the formula) he is now at the 50th.
I'm not sure what I think of all this. I mean, what's done is done and he's now on formula. On the one hand, breastmilk is so much better for him and formula is crazy expensive. But formula is more convenient outside of the house, and I don't have to be the only one that feeds him (like overnight or if I'm away from him). But like I said, it's done...so it doesn't really matter.
It's just frustrating because we made that decision based on false information....
I'm really starting to question the value of "regular doctor visits." Well, that's not it exactly. It's more that I'm questioning the attitude we have towards doctors. We take our babies in like cars for scheduled maintenance. But people aren't cars; we're more than machines and I think we as a culture lose sight of that too easily.
Certainly we want to catch anything that might be "wrong" with our children (and there's plenty of TV shows and news reports about all that can go wrong...). But what if we just fed them good food, got them to play and sleep enough, and loved them?
We go to the doctor's office like we're going to church--to find "the answers." That's a problem with our attitude towards medicine and towards religion, as far as I'm concerned.
What if we gave up this idea that we have to control everything, or that by doing x, y, and z, we can control everything?
Hmm...maybe instead of hijacking your comments section, I should start my own blog or something.
We thought we were doing the best thing for Erin, when we should have been giving her formula. Now we thought we were doing the best thing for Noah, but he probably should have stayed on breastmilk.
Maybe we'll get it right the third time...(which means ignoring the doctors)
We'll just have to keep having kids until we get one right....
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