Wednesday, June 27, 2012

5 nights, only one accident

Last night was Erin's 5th night without a diaper. On night three, she had a minor accident that we discovered in the morning, but all other nights she's been completely dry!

We had been waiting and waiting for when we could stop the diapers overnight. I'm so glad we tried it cold turkey just to see what would happen. Who knew it would be this painless?


ktbug said...

I'd love to do that with Hannah but her pull-ups are super full in the mornings, I can't imagine she'd make it all night...any tips? Should I just wait a little longer?

Cheryl said...

It's hard to say since each kid is different. Plus Erin is a full year older than Hannah.

Erin was waking up with soaking wet diapers every morning (it was a rare occasion to have her wake up dry). So we took a chance in putting her to bed without a diaper. We just had her pee before bed and she made it all night (the first night, Sean got her up around 10 to take her to the bathroom. She didn't pee, plus she about fell asleep sitting on the toilet).

I'd say if you feel brave, try a night or two and see what happens. If it's a disaster then you know she's probably not ready. Or she'll surprise you. But I'd be ready with a change of sheets/clothes, and of course have something waterproof on the mattress.