Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The first week

Things are going pretty well with Luke so far. He's relatively an easy newborn, just like his brother was. We're tired, but not completely sleep deprived. And actually, the past two nights have gone very well. He has slept most of the way through, except for feeding of course. He's been napping a lot during the day, but today he was awake quite a bit, so I'm hoping he'll sleep all night again.

My biggest complaint about him is that most of the time he has to be held while he sleeps (his other siblings had this problem too). Occasionally, he'll let us put him down, but mostly he'll wake up and cry if we make an attempt. Kind of annoying. But overall, he's a good baby. Sleeps a lot and eats well.

My mom is still here helping out and on Thursday my in-laws are coming to take the second shift. So I'll have another week of help. It makes a huge difference having someone here to take care of Erin and Noah, especially since I'm not supposed to be picking up Noah for a few weeks. Also, because most of the time I have a baby in my arms.

I do miss giving my older two my undivided attention. But I know that the newborn stage doesn't last long, and soon it will get much better and easier, and they'll get their mom back. Erin seems to be doing fine with all of it. Noah isn't doing too bad either, but sometimes it's obvious he just wants his mom.

Can't believe Luke's a week old tomorrow already.

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