Sunday, April 05, 2009

Tacos, Tacos, and More Tacos

Friday night was our monthly invite people over for dinner night. Sometimes we have one person, sometimes it's 10. This time we had about 8 and we had a yummy dinner of tacos, rice and beans, salad and a yummy key lime pie for dessert. My wonderful husband, who does all of our cooking, made up a superb dinner, but we had a ton of leftovers.

So after having the same meal 4 times in a row, it was time to do something different for dinner tonight. We didn't have much to work with, so we just did a big salad. Not terribly exciting, but at least it wasn't tacos (and we still have more in the fridge).

The rest of the weekend was relaxing. Not much to speak of except watching Erin walk all over the place. She has gotten a lot better, even from the below video. I bet she's gone 8 feet now before falling. And she doesn't always need our encouragement. Sometimes we look over, and she's just walking towards a toy or something. It's pretty cool stuff.

And her second bottom tooth is following right behind the first one**. It will be strange to see her with a toothy smile.

The whole "teething" process hasn't been that bad on her. She has woken up crying in the middle of the night the past couple nights (which she never does anymore), so I bet it's her gums hurting. Other than that, not much else. And I know teething can be a big ordeal.

Okay, time to go to bed and start a new week.

**I was wrong, the second one is not coming up yet.

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