Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hey, Hey, We're The Monkeys

Growing up, Family Feud was the only game show I remember watching regularly. Recently, I have discovered that it's still on in the early evening, just with a different host and theme music. I'm hooked on watching it for the time being, I guess for nostalgia (because the show itself isn't very good).

We are occasionally very amused by random answers like: "What do women hide from their husbands for their own good?" Answer: His shoes. "Name a famous fictitious island." Answer: Rhode Island.

Today, we were particularly amused at this guy's answer in the final fast money round at the end. The question was "Name a popular male name starting with the letter J."

The woman who went first answered John. Makes sense. The guy who went second answered J.J. and the Monkeys.



Anonymous said...

HAHAHA - I just watched that episode the other night and I could not stop laughing!

Anonymous said...

i saw that one 5mins ago. didnt know who Or what JJ and the monkeys was so i googled it... and this is the only place on the world wide web where the phrase "jj and the monkeys " come's up. so wjhat the heck was that guy thinking??? lmao!!!

Jennifer McCarroll said...

I totally just saw that episode and I also can't believe they both passed on NAME SOMETHING YELLOW.

They had a huge case of nerves, heh.

I've been saying J. J. and the Monkeys all day long to answer people's questions.