Friday, June 27, 2008

Who Is This New Child?

Holy cow, a miracle happened today!

We have to give Erin her bath right before a feeding, because it's a traumatic experience for her (and the feeding will calm her down). When we bathe her, it's like we're torturing her. You almost have to wear earplugs to protect yourself from the piercing screams.

I just gave her a bath, and not one tear or scream! She was perfectly content the whole time. I was shocked! Yay for progress!

Also, she's doing great with holding her head up. She can stand up for short periods of time - assisted of course. And she smiles a lot at us. Compared to a month ago, she seems a lot older, more interactive. There's a lot of awake time during the day when I can read to her and show her things around the house. It's amazing how easy it is to captivate a 2 month old.

Speaking of that - she's two months old today!

Her Baptism is tomorrow night. We haven't taken her to church with us yet, so I'm worried about how she'll do during that hour. If she has a wet diaper or gets hungry, it'll be hard to stop the crying. Not to mention having water poured on her head. I guess whatever happens, happens.

After we get back, we're having our cookout. The guest list has gotten close to 30! We didn't expect it to be so many, but we're looking forward to it. I hope Erin can be good for everyone. I'd hate to have a fussy night with her. This week she has alternated with good and bad days. Let's hope for a good day tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

Baby got bath!

St. Elizabeth of Cayce said...

Wih we could be there for your celebrations. Our goddaughter screamed quite a bit at her baptism (triple-dunk naked outside) and this unnerved the Episcopal priest enough, that in her (she-priest) efforts to calm down the child, the little one was accidentally chrismated "Rebecca, sweetheart."

But then, we've probably told you that one before. Others will remind you that a baptism includes an exorcism, and this isn't always appreciated by the recipient.

I hope you get nice pictures.