Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Welcome to our Blog!

I think it was yesterday that it was suggested I start my own blog. I've always hesitated to do it because they are trendy and I'm afraid of just not being that interesting. But right now, something VERY interesting is happening in our lives...a little person is growing inside my abdomen. And that, I'd say is pretty dern interesting.

So for several reasons (creating a "virtual" baby book, keeping immediate family regularly updated on the daily life of this soon-to-arrive infant, to give her something to read and enjoy later on, etc.), I have decided to start this blog.

Right now, before she's born, I have just about all the time in the world to post, but I'm sure once she gets here, my time will be spent quite differently. But if I'm going to do this, then I will be sure to keep up with it.

So if you have any connection or interest in this child, then I hope you will enjoy the updates.


St. Izzy said...

Hmmm... Baby got blog.

Of course, you know how this will go. The first born will have this huge blog filled with all these interesting tidbits (first haircut, first nail clipping, first solid movement...). Then the second kid gets a blog and nothing goes into it. Then the third doesn't even HAVE a web presence.

Sure, it's the natural order of things, but it's still sad.

Cheryl said...

Yeah, I know. I thought about that...what about subsequent children, will they get this much attention?

We'll probably ignore the middle child and do this again for the youngest.

St. Elizabeth of Cayce said...

We'll look forward to pics of kids 2-8 as they attend various functions of kid 1. (Here they are at her graduation. Here they are as she accepts the Nobel Prize in Physics AND Chemistry. Here they are at her inauguration. You get the idea.)